What Uncle Sam Really Wants Copyright © 1993 by Noam Chomsky
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Sources for the facts in this book are listed below by page numbers and brief subject descriptions.

7-8. On "Grand Area" planning for the postwar period by the State Department and the CFR, see Laurence Shoup and William Minter, Imperial Brain Trust, Monthly Review, 1977. There is extensive literature on the development and execution of these plans. An early work, of great insight, is Gabriel Kolko, Politics of War,: Random House, 1968. One valuable recent study is Melvyn Leffler, Preponderance of Power, Stanford University Press, 1992. For further sources and discussion, specifically on NSC 68, see Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, Chapter 1. NSC 68 and many other declassified documents can be found in the official State Department history, Foreign Relations of the United States, generally published with about 30 years delay.

8-9. "Secret army." See Thomas Powers, The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Richard Helms and the CIA, Knopf, 1979; and Mary Ellen Reese, General Reinhard Gehlen: the CIA Connection, George Mason University Press, 1990. For further details, see Chomsky, Turning the Tide and sources cited; and Christopher Simpson, Blowback, Grove, Weidenfeld, 1987.

10. William Yandell Elliot, ed., The Political Economy of American Foreign Policy, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1955. For further discussion, see Chomsky, At War with Asia, Introduction.

10-11. Kennan, Latin America. See Walter LaFeber, Inevitable Revolutions: the United States in Central America, Norton, 1983.

11-18. Postwar planning. Chomsky, Turning the Tide, Chapters 2, 4; and Deterring Democracy, Chapters 1, 11 and sources cited.

15. Marshall Plan. See Michael J. Hogan, The Marshall Plan, Cambridge University Press, 1987.

18. Kolb. Letter, New York Times, July 26, 1983.

19. Ultranationalism quote. National Security Council Memorandum 5432, 1954.

19-20. US policy planners, Kennedy planners. See Chomsky, On Power and Ideology, Lecture 1.

20-21. Costa Rica, Dulles. Chomsky, Necessary Illusions, Appendix 5.1; Gordon Connell-Smith, The Inter-American System, Oxford University Press and Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1966.

25. "Stability." Peiro Gleijeses, Shattered Hope, Princeton University Press, 1991, 125, 365.

26-27. Japan, Kennan. Bruce Cumings, The Origins of the Korean War, Volume II, Princeton University Press, 1990.

28. Stimson. Kolko, Politics of War, 471.

29. Schoultz, Herman studies. Chomsky, Turning the Tide, 157f.

30. "Economic miracle." Chomsky, Turning the Tide, 1.8 and sources cited; Robert Williams, Export Agriculture and the Crisis in Central America, University of North Carolina Press, 1986.

30. Adams. Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, 34f.

31. Relations with the military. Chomsky, On Power and Ideology, Lecture 1 and Turning the Tide, 216.

31. US arms to Iran. Chomsky, Fateful Triangle, 475f; Turning the Tide, 130-31; and Culture of Terrorism, Chapter 8.

33. Brazil and the situation throughout the Third World. Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, Chapter 7; and South Commission, The Challenge to the South, Oxford University Press, 1990.

34-50. Central America. See Chomsky, Turning the Tide; Culture of Terrorism; Necessary Illusions; Deterring Democracy; Herman and Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent. See also John Hassett and Hugh Lacey, Towards a Society that Serves its People: the Intellectual Contributions of El Salvador's Murdered Jesuits, Georgetown University Press, 1992.

42. Oxfam's explanation. Dianna Melrose, Nicaragua: the Threat of a Good Example, Oxfam, 1985.

50-56. Panama. See Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, Chapter 5.

54. Bush's administration. Chomsky, "�What We Say Goes': The Middle East in the New World Order," in Cynthia Peters, ed., Collateral Damage, South End Press, 1992, 4992.

56. Drugs. Chomsky, "Year 501: World Orders, Old and New, Part 1," Z magazine, March 1992, 24-36.

56-60. Southeast Asia and media coverage 1950s through mid-80s. Herman and Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent.

58. Media reaction to the Indonesia coup. Chomsky, "�A Gleam of Light in Asia,'"Z magazine, September 1990, 15-23.

60-68. Gulf War. Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, Chapter 6 and Afterword (1991 edition); and Chomsky, in Peters, Collateral Damage.

68-69. Iran/contra cover-up. Chomsky, Fateful Triangle, 475f; Turning the Tide, 130131; and Culture of Terrorism, Chapter 8.

70. Salvadoran Jesuit journal. Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, 354-55.

7273. Eastern Europe and Latin America; Africa. Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, Chapter 7.

75. Chicago Tribune quote. William Neikirk, "We are the World's Guardian Angels," Chicago Tribune business section, September 9, 1990. Cited in Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, 5.

78-82. The Cold War. Chomsky, Turning the Tide, Chapter 4; and Deterring Democracy.

79. Dulles quote. John Foster Dulles telephone call to Allen Dulles, June 19, 1958, "Minutes of Telephone Conversations of John Foster Dulles and Christian Herter," Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene Kansas. Cited in "A View from Below," Diplomatic History, Winter 1992.

82-86. War on drugs. Chomsky, Deterring Democracy, Chapter 4.

86-91. Political discourse. Edward S. Herman, Beyond Hypocrisy, South End Press, 1992.

87. Lipmann (and the evolution of these notions from 17th century England to today). Chomsky, Deterring Democracy. Chapter 12.

87. Stevenson; the concept "defense against aggression." Chomsky, For Reasons of State, Chapter 1, section 6.

88. "Peace process." Chomsky, Towards a New Cold War, Chapter 9; Fateful Triangle, Chapter 3; Necessary Illusions, Appendix 5.4; and Deterring Democracy, Afterword (1991 edition).

90. John Jay. Frank Monaghan, John Jay. New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1935, p. 323.

91-92. Socialism. Herman and Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent.

96-97. National Security Policy Review. Maureen Dowd, New York Times, February 23, 1992.

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