
Some Anti-Racist Readings

Assembled by Tim Wise

The Price of the Ticket:
Collected NonFiction;
or Collected Essays

James Baldwin. Includes Notes of a Native Son, Nobody Knows
My Name; The Fire Next Time, No Name In The Street, etc..

The Ethnic Myth, and also, Turning Back:
The Retreat From Racial Justice
in American Thought and Policy

by Stephen Steinberg

Lies My Teacher Told Me

by James Loewen

Black Wealth/White Wealth

by Melvin Oliver and Thomas Shapiro

The Wages of Whiteness

By David Roediger

Inequality By Design:
Cracking the Bell Curve Myth

Claude Fischer, et al.


by William Ryan

White Racism

by Joe Feagin and Hernan Vera

The Autobiography of Malcolm X

by Malcolm X and Alex Haley

Killing Rage
(or pretty much anything she’s written)

by bell Hooks

A People’s History of the United States

by Howard Zinn

A Little Matter of Genocide:
Holocaust and Denial in the Americas

by Ward Churchill

Women, Race and Class

by Angela Davis

500 Years of Chicano History

by Elizabeth Martinez

A Different Mirror

by Ronald Takaki

American Apartheid

by Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton

Savage Inequalities,
and also, Amazing Grace

by Jonathan Kozol

How the Irish Became White

by Noel Ignatiev

In Struggle: SNCC and the
Black Awakening of the 1960’s

by Clayborne Carson

Memoir of a Race Traitor

by Mab Segrest

Black Boy

by Richard Wright

How Capitalism Underdeveloped
Black America

by Manning Marable


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